Services Offered

Connect with the Art, Commission the Artist

Engagement and Commissioning

Embrace the Unique Vision of Benjamin L. West

Welcome to the place where art transcends mere visuals and becomes an immersive experience. Benjamin L. West, an Emmy Award-winning photojournalist and a revered Native American digital artist, invites you on a journey through his vibrant gallery — a testament to his profound versatility and depth. Each piece in the 'Gallery' narrates a unique story, embodying Benjamin L. West’s distinctive blend of contemporary vision and deep-rooted cultural narratives.

Acquiring Benjamin L. West’s Art

For those captivated by the depth and narrative of Benjamin L. West’s art, the opportunity to commission a piece is more than a transaction — it's an invitation into a collaborative creative process. Whether you seek to own a piece of  Benjamin L. West’s Native American art that is  infused with modern aesthetics or require tailored photography services, Benjamin L. West’s approach ensures that your vision comes to life in a manner that resonates deeply and personally.

Original Artwork and Limited Editions

Dive into the realm of exclusive artistry with Benjamin L. West’s original digital artworks and limited-edition prints. Each piece is a window to a story, a cultural dialogue, and an artistic innovation, available for you to bring into your personal or professional spaces. Large-scale prints, photo prints, and digital art prints are available.

Custom Digital Art Commissions

Engage Benjamin L. West to create a digital masterpiece that reflects your story or vision. These commissions are collaborative from conception to completion, ensuring that the final piece is a reflection of your unique perspective, intertwined with Benjamin L. West’s artistic voice. Drawings, 3D and 2D animation commissions available.

Cultural and Educational Projects

Benjamin L. West is deeply committed to educational and cultural projects that aim to preserve and propagate Native American heritage. Collaborate on projects that make a difference, with art that educates, engages, and enlightens.

Photography Services

Benjamin L. West’s background as an Emmy Award-winning photojournalist is available for commissioning, offering unparalleled expertise for your projects.

How to Commission Benjamin

Initial Consultation

Reach out through our contact page to initiate a conversation. Share your vision, objectives, and any specific requirements or inspirations you have in mind.


Benjamin will work with you to refine your ideas and develop a conceptual direction for the artwork or photography project.

Quotation and Agreement

Once the concept is agreed upon, we will provide a detailed quotation and timeline. Upon acceptance, we'll formalize the commission with an agreement to ensure clarity and mutual understanding.

Creation Process

Engage in a transparent and collaborative creation process. Benjamin values your input and will keep you updated with progress, seeking feedback as needed.

Delivery and Installation

For physical artworks, we offer guidance on delivery and installation options to ensure your new piece is perfectly positioned within your space.

Begin Your Commission

Commissioning a piece from Benjamin L. West is not just acquiring art; it's an experiential journey that brings the essence of Native American contemporary art into your life. Each commissioned piece is a bridge between cultures, a narrative captured in color and form, and a testament to the enduring spirit of indigenous stories.Embrace the opportunity to collaborate with a visionary artist, and let your space tell a story that transcends time and tradition.

Commission Benjamin Today